
Are you a home-maker?

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Continuing our 14 day series, The Heart of Her Husband, today we’re looking at how the wife builds her home. I’m asking the question, are you a homemaker? Most husbands appreciate a warm and welcoming home. And while the job of creating a home isn’t entirely up to the wife, we can see how in Proverbs 31 the wife is called to look after her home well. All women are homemakers, whether they stay home full time or work outside of the home. The ministry of homemaking is one way we can serve our husbands. 

Are You a Home Maker? @ AVirtuousWoman.org

Are you a homemaker?

The Bible tells us that a wise woman builds her home, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1.

Regardless of whether you work outside the home or are a full-time housewife, God has called you to be a homemaker. Homemaking has such value! Do not undermine the sacredness of what you do – not only for your children, but for your husband as well!

I like how Ellen White says, “Let woman realize the sacredness of her work and, in the strength and fear of God, take up her life mission.”

Home should be the place your husband longs to return after a hard days work. The home should be inviting, loving, warm, free of tension and grief. The husband should be greeted not with a chaotic scene unfolding before as he steps inside the threshold, but rather pleasantness. He should be able to walk in the door and find a neat and orderly home; a clean kitchen with something delicious cooking at supper time; children who are polite and happy to see him; and a wife who smiles and greets him with words of cheer. It may sound idealic and it is. However, it is not impossible!

If you are struggling with homemaking, pray about it! Then, make a plan.

Sit down with a pen and paper and make a plan of action to carry you through each day. You should have a routine that you preform on a daily basis. You should have a routine for morning, afternoon, and evening. Here is an example of a morning routine:

  • Wake up early ( 5 or 6 am)
  • Prayer and devotion
  • Shower
  • Cook breakfast, wake up children, eat
  • Tidy up kitchen, sweep floor
  • Start a load of clothes in washing machine
  • Make beds, wipe down bathroom sinks

Your husband deserves fresh linens on his bed, socks in his drawer, good food on the table, and children who are well mannered. God has commissioned you to do it. Don’t forget my favorite verse, “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13)

If your house is in a state of total chaos, make a commitment to begin clearing out the clutter one room at a time. Go to bed every evening with your house clean so that you wake up to a clean house. Then, take a few minutes throughout the day to tidy up. Make it a habit and you’ll find a rhythm that works for you.

related: A Time to Clean 30 Day Challenge

Now, for those of you who are struggling – and believe me there are times {like right now} when I really struggle to keep my home neat and orderly – understand that it didn’t take a day to create the mess and it will probably take more than a day to get your home back in reasonable shape.

And, making a home is about more than just keeping rooms neat and organized. Being a homemaker means that you give life to your home through worship, laughter, pleasantness, cheerfulness, and being thoughtful of those who live there. A happy home full of laughter and joy but clutter on the table is a much nicer place than a perfectly neat house where there is no joy.

Also, remember that there are seasons of life when it’s harder to keep things neat – like when you have toddlers – so give yourself grace. If you are overwhelmed by a messy space, take one day at a time and do something each day to make your space better.

The ministry of homemaking is a sacred work. Serving your family through caring for their needs and creating a space that feels like home is worth our time and efforts.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you so much Mellisa for the encouraging post I feel so encouraged in a day where I woke up up feeling down,asking God questions about my purpose..has he really called me for this,to be a homemaker? So many questions are generating in my mind, some days its difficult to accept the fact that this can actually be what I am called to do. I am currently a stay at home mom and have been so as from 2017, we have been applying for jobs but with no avail. However, I do sense that this is what God has called me to do, he has spoken to me about it but it is so difficult to accept. Help me to see what He sees.

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