
Read Through the Gospels in 40 Days + Free Printable Checklist

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The Proverbs 31 woman sets an example for us as Christians to be grounded in the Gospel. As Easter approaches in just a few weeks I’m excited to embark on this 40 day Bible reading plan. Today I’m sharing with you how to read through the Gospels in 40 days plus a free printable reading plan. Will you join me?

Read Through the Gospels in 40 Days Checklist @ AVirtuousWoman.org

As Easter approaches in just a few weeks, many Christians are looking for ways to prepare their hearts for this important holiday. Whether you are celebrating lent or simply want to delve deeper into the Bible, reading the gospels in a great place to start.

By immersing ourselves in the stories of Jesus’ life, teachings, death, and resurrection, we can deepen our understanding and appreciation of the significance of Easter.

Why Read the Gospels in 40 Days?

Reading the gospels in 40 days is a great way to focus your heart and mind on the significance of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. By reading a chapter or two each day, you can slowly and intentionally journey through the life and teachings of Jesus.

This can help you gain a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what he came to do. It can also help you cultivate a greater love for God and a desire to follow Jesus more closely.

You’re Invited to Follow Jesus Today: Video

Which Translation Should You Use?

When it comes to choosing a translation, it is important to choose one that is easy to read and understand. For some people, this might mean using a modern translation like the New International Version (NIV) or the New Living Translation (NLT).

For others, a more traditional translation like the King James Version (KJV) might be preferred. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a translation that you feel comfortable reading and that helps you understand the meaning of the text.

My personal favorite translations are:

  • King James Version (KJV)
  • New King James Version (NKJV)
  • English Standard Version (ESV)
  • Christian Standard Bible Version (CSBV)
  • New International Version (NIV)

Begin Your Bible Reading Time with Prayer

Before you begin your daily reading, it’s always important to take a moment to pray and ask God to help you understand the text and apply it to your life. This can help you approach the reading with a humble and teachable heart, and can also help you connect more deeply with God.

related: Simple Bible Study Methods for the Proverbs 31 Woman

A Prayer to Pray

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your Word, which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. As I come before you to read your Word, I pray that you would open my heart and mind to receive what you want to teach me. Help me to understand the meaning of the text and how it applies to my life. Give me the wisdom to discern your will and the courage to follow it.

I pray that your Holy Spirit would guide me as I read, illuminating the truth and helping me to apply it to my life. May your Word be a source of encouragement, strength, and hope to me, and may it transform me from the inside out. I want to have a servant’s heart just like Jesus Christ, our messiah.

Thank you for your love and your grace, and for the privilege of being able to read your Word. May it draw me closer to you and deepen my relationship with you.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Use this Free Printable Reading Plan

To help you stay on track with your reading, I’ve created a free printable reading plan that you can use to guide your journey through the four gospels. This plan breaks the gospels down into manageable daily readings, with a focus on reading through one gospel at a time. You can download the plan from our website and print it out for easy reference.

Reading through the Gospels is sure to open your heart to the truth of God’s Word. You’ll be amazed at what you discover – even if you’ve been a Christian for a long time! Every time I read the Bible I’m always touched and often something new will jump out at me or prick my heart.

Be sure to download my Easter Celebration Planner too!

The Gospels in 40 Days

Day 1: Matthew 1-2

Day 2: Matthew 3-4

Day 3: Matthew 5-7

Day 4: Matthew 8-9

Day 5: Matthew 10-12

Day 6: Matthew 13-14

Day 7: Matthew 15-16

Day 8: Matthew 17-18

Day 9: Matthew 19-21

Day 10: Matthew 22-23

Day 11: Matthew 24-25

Day 12: Matthew 26-28

Day 13: Mark 1-3

Day 14: Mark 4-5

Day 15: Mark 6-7

Day 16: Mark 8-10

Day 17: Mark 11-13

Day 18: Mark 14-16

Day 19: Luke 1-2

Day 20: Luke 3-4

Day 21: Luke 5-6

Day 22: Luke 7-8

Day 23: Luke 9-10

Day 24: Luke 11-12

Day 25: Luke 13-14

Day 26: Luke 15

Day 27: Luke 16-17

Day 28: Luke 18-19

Day 29: Luke 20-21

Day 30: Luke 22-24

Day 31: John 1-2

Day 32: John 3-5

Day 33: John 4-6

Day 34: John 7-8

Day 35: John 9-11

Day 36: John 12-14

Day 37: John 15-16

Day 38: John 17

Day 39: John 18-19

Day 40: John 20-21

Action Steps to Take Today

  1. Pray and ask God to guide your heart as you read through the Gospels this month.
  2. Seek His truths as you read each word.
  3. Download the free printable Gospels in 40 Days Bible Reading Plan below, if desired.
  4. Use the checklist to check off each day’s readings.
  5. Use the journaling page (print as many as you need) to write your thoughts as you read through the Gospels in 40 days. Make note of anything you feel stands out to you or if you feel God speaking to your heart.

Closing Thoughts

Reading through the gospels in 40 days is a powerful way to prepare your heart for Easter. By immersing yourself in the stories of Jesus’ life and teachings, you can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the significance of this important holiday. So, whether you use my free printable reading plan or create one of your own, I encourage you to take this journey through the gospels and allow God to speak to your heart and transform your life.

Free Printable The Gospels in 40 Days Bible Reading Plan

Read Through the Gospels in 40 Days Checklist @ AVirtuousWoman.org

How to Download

  1. Just fill out the form below and you’ll receive an email giving you instant access to my free printable Read Through the Gospels in 40 Days Checklist and Journal Page.
  2. If you are already a subscriber, filling out the form won’t affect your subscription, but you will receive the link to download!

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