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Free Printable: Spring Floral Sermon Notes for Christian Women

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If the promise of sunnier days has you feeling inspired to start fresh, I’ve got just the thing! Create your own binder full of pretty sermon notes to use during church worship with my brand new free printable Spring Floral Sermon Notes Binder.

Perfect for Christian women who want an organized way to remember and reflect on what they hear during the sermon, this pretty printable binder is filled with vibrant floral designs that will spark joy and encourage a deeper relationship with God through personal Bible study.

Originally published Febrary 2022. Updated March 2024.

If you’re like me, you love using pretty stationery to take notes during church. It helps keep me focused on the sermon and less distracted. That’s why I’m excited to share this brand new free printable floral sermon notes binder with you! This binder has a sweet spring floral pattern and includes pages for taking notes during the sermon, as well as a section for recording your thoughts and prayers.

As a pastor’s wife, I know how hard it can be to stay focused during a sermon. That’s why having a beautiful binder like this one makes all the difference. The soft colors and pretty patterns will help you take meaningful notes that you can look back on later for reflection. Plus, you’ll have a keepsake to remember what God has taught you through your time in worship.

And as a mom with so many things to think about at any given moment, staying focused during sermons can be difficult. I found that having a designated place to jot down my thoughts and prayers helps keep me present and makes sure I don’t forget any of the important lessons God is trying to teach me.

Taking Sermon Notes is Helpful

Taking notes during the sermon helps you to stay focused, remember important points, and engage deeper with God’s word. It also allows you to review your notes after the service and reflect on what was shared in the sermon. Writing down your thoughts and prayers during the sermon is another great way to draw closer to God as well!

The Bible says, “Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,” Ephesians 1:18 ESV.

Transform your heart and mind through reflection on God’s Word. By taking notes during the sermon, you can easily look back and remember key points that were spoken.

How to Take Sermon Notes

Taking sermon notes doesn’t have to be complicated. There are several different ways to approach note taking and it can look different for everyone.

First, consider what type of notetaking works best for you. Here are a few ideas:

  • Use abbreviations or symbols as reminders of key points
  • Make a list of points to remember
  • Highlight or underline key phrases
  • Create a timeline for the events being discussed
  • Write short summaries in your own words after each point is made.

Once you’ve decided on a style, it’s time to get started! Before church begins, open your sermon notes binder and find a blank page. As the sermon progresses, keep up with the pastor’s points by writing down thoughts and phrases that speak to your heart in real-time. Also, it can be enriching to write down any thoughts or prayers that come to mind during the service.

At the end of the sermon, review your notes one more time if desired. Then, set aside time later in the week to re-read your sermon notes and reflect further on the message that was shared. Setting aside time during your daily devotional to go over your notes for further study is a great way to deepen your relationship with God.

Spring Floral Sermon Notes Binder

This printable spring floral sermon notes binder has 9 pages to print, including:

  • front cover
  • spine covers
  • 2 Daily Bible Reading Trackers
  • Sermon Notes page
  • Notes page
  • Blank page
  • Prayer Requests page
  • back cover

More Printable Sermon Notes Binders

Learn How to Study the Bible

Free Printable Spring Floral Sermon Notes Binder

This free printable floral sermon notes binder will help you stay organized and inspired as you engage in worship and study. Use it weekly to take notes during your church service and to record your thoughts and prayers. These printable binder pages can also be used in conjunction with other Bible study materials, such as commentaries, devotionals, and even digital resources.

How to Get the Printable

Just click on the button below and you’ll be taken to the download page.

[memberful_download_link download=”https://avirtuouswoman.org/wp-content/uploads/edd/2023/02/AVW-Pink-Floral-Sermon-Notes-Binder_final.pdf”]Homemaker’s Society Download Now[/memberful_download_link]


I hope this Spring Floral Sermon Notes Binder helps you to draw closer to God during church worship! If you liked this free printable, please share the link with your friends!

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