
The Habit of Quiet

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Today we’re continuing our series, 30 Days of Intentional Homemaking and I’ll be sharing with you some thoughts and ideas about the habit of quiet time. It’s the single most important part of your day! Let’s make the habit of quiet time a priority.

Plus, be sure to download my free printable at the end of the post!

The Habit of Quiet @ AVirtuousWoman.org

30 Days Of Intentional Homemaking: Day 7

Families need women who make home a special place to live, learn, and grow. There is no other job that presents as many opportunities for shaping (for the good or the bad) the future of our country – of our world – than that of a homemaker.

Intentional Homemaking @ AVirtuousWoman.org

Each of us is a homemaker. Whether you work outside the home or stay home full time, you are a homemaker. Whether you live with a big boisterous family or it’s just you and a couple of children – or just you and your husband – or even just you -, you are a homemaker. We’ve all been called to the ministry of homemaking.

You can find the rest of this series here.

➡️ Download today’s workbook here.

I know what it’s like to wake up with your feet running to meet all the demands of the day. Being a wife, mom, and homemaker isn’t easy and there’s always so much to do! If you have a family and/or work outside the home, your time is probably already stretched so thin it might feel difficult to fit one more thing in.

But I promise, if you cultivate a habit of quiet time into your day you will see a transformation not only in how your day runs, but also in how you feel.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

God calls us to stop what we are doing and to know Him. It’s hard to get to know someone if you never stop the busyness of your day and spend time with them, right?

The Habit of Quiet Time

Ann Voskamp so eloquently said, “Those who seek to be still and quiet will find a beautiful portal through which God’s voice of love can be heard.”

It’s when we take the time to be quiet that we can listen to the voice of God speaking to our hearts. If you aren’t in the habit of quiet, I’m sharing a few tips to help you get started.

#1 Create a Place of Worship

Choose a place in your home that comforts you, makes you happy, or makes you feel at home. If you don’t have a place already, that’s okay! You can choose a favorite chair, a favorite nook, or even a small closet. Gather together a few things, for instance:

#2 Choose a Time

I always suggest women being their day with quiet time. Mornings are not the only time you can have your prayer and devotion, but just like the manna would disappear as the day wore on, often it’s harder to find time to sit still and be quiet when you’re already in the thick of the day. There’s so much to do, so many people who need your attention… it can be difficult to make time for God once the day has gotten started.

The Habit of Quiet TimE @ AVirtuousWoman.org

If you don’t consider yourself a morning person, I highly suggest you try to wake up 15 or 30 minutes earlier than you normally do to cultivate the habit of quiet. If your space is ready for you to sit down and read and pray, you’ll find it’s easier than you think!

Now, if you are in a season of motherhood where you are still waking up several times at night to feed your baby or where you find yourself needing a nap everyday, give yourself grace for this season! It’s perfectly okay to read your Bible while you nurse a baby or to have a devotion and prayer time with your little one at your feet.

#3 Make it a Habit

It takes roughly 28 days to create a solid habit. If you have struggled with making quiet time a habit in your life, try to make a commitment for the whole month to spend time in God’s Word and spend time every day in prayer.

  • create your space
  • choose your time
  • be consistent

Your quiet time doesn’t have to last an hour. It doesn’t even have to last 30 minutes. To start, set aside 15 minutes. Then, as you find yourself cultivating the habit of quiet time, you can spend longer periods in prayer and study as you are able.

You may want to sip a cup of tea or your favorite hot drink in the morning as you enjoy the quiet time. Hot water and lemon is a great way to start the day, too, and cleanses you from the inside. Make your quiet time something you enjoy and look forward to and waking up earlier won’t be such a hard thing.

Creating an atmosphere of peace and love in your home is so much easier when you are filling your heart everyday with the habit of quiet. I hope you’ll make time today!

Action Steps to Take Today

  1. If you’ve been struggling with beginning your day with prayer, stop right now and pray! Ask God to help you commit time each day – whether it’s just a few minutes or a longer period of prayer and study.
  2. Download today’s workbook pages and fill out the sheets.
  3. Use the Notes page to write down items you’d like to gather for your own prayer corner and then purchase those things you need to make your prayer corner special for you.
  4. Download my free printable Morning Prayer Prompts below if you need help getting started!

Free Printable Morning Prayer Prompts

30 Morning Prayer Prompts | Printable Prayer Prompts @ AVirtuousWoman.org

How to Download

  1. Just fill out the form below and you’ll receive an email giving you instant access to my free printable Morning Prayer Prompts with 30 different prayer prompts for you to use.
  2. If you are already a subscriber, filling out the form won’t affect your subscription, but you will receive the link to download!

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