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How to Organize Your Day (for Moms)

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It’s one of the most asked questions I receive: How do I organize my day and get everything done? If you’re like most women I know, you have so much to do and just not enough time to do it all, right?

Originally published in June 2016, updated January 2021.

How to Organize Your Day for Moms @ AVirtuousWoman.org

Being a Proverbs 31 Woman isn’t about being perfect! It’s about living life with purpose so that you don’t allow life and all of it’s joys pass you by!

You don’t have to be perfect.

How to Organize Your Day

I’ve been a mom for over 25 years. I have a large family and life around my house is crazy busy on a daily basis! There have been days, weeks, months – even years – when I have felt completely overwhelmed by expectations – from housekeeping to mothering to being a wife. If one thing’s for sure, it’s that even a good, happy life can be chaotic.

There are seasons in life when things are hard. That’s okay!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

You will face trials and setbacks. There will be times when you wish you could crawl back in bed and never come out.Thankfully we have a savior who is always there for us when we need Him the most!

How to Organize Your Day

That’s why it’s so helpful to have routines and systems in place that help you get the most important things attended to each day.

Begin preparing for your morning the evening before. By preparing ahead, you’ll have less stress in the morning when everyone needs to be on task. And even if your mornings are less hectic, having a solid evening routine can really make your mornings shine.

  • clean the kitchen
  • pack lunches
  • put a load of laundry in the wash {switch in the morning}
  • lay out clothes
  • put bags and backpacks by the door if you need them
  • write out your to do list
  • have worship and/ or prayer time with your kids
  • go to bed at a decent hour

By doing these few things each evening you’ll set yourself up for a good start to the next day!

How to Structure the Day with Kids

I remember when my children were still little – some days it was all I could do to keep everyone fed and in clean clothes! Over the years I learned a few tricks to help me in my role as a mom and homemaker. If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a room that’s been trashed by your toddler… you’ll appreciate these tips:

How to Have a Great Morning

Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. Moms have the awesome responsibility of getting everyone in the house off to a good start! While you cannot control every circumstance or even your family’s mood, you can control your own attitude! Make an effort to start every morning with a smile and pleasant words.

How to Clean Your House so You Stay Organized

Housekeeping is a real struggle for a lot of women. We don’t like to admit it, but keeping on top of all of the household chores can be a challenge and things often go undone. I have found that clutter is perhaps the #1 issue most women have with keeping their homes neat and tidy. Clutter can be overwhelming and very easily take over our homes if we let it!

If your home is disorganized and full of clutter, you’re first goal is to begin clearing the clutter!

Once you have decluttered your house, keeping it clean will be so much easier! You’ll have less stress and more time to do those things that bring you the most joy. For me, having fun with my kids is what brings me the most joy! Imagine what life would be like if you didn’t have to spend all your free time cleaning and instead you could pursue a new adventure!

Meal Planning

Meal planning is one of the things I do each week that saves my sanity the most! Those weeks when I fail to properly plan you’ll find me staring at the fridge 30 minutes before everyone is going to die of starvation. It’s not pleasant.

Not only that, but when I have a meal plan, I tend to prepare healthier meals that taste better and have more variety than if I simply wing it! If you don’t already meal plan, I want to encourage you to do so! I usually spend some time on Sunday afternoon planning for the week, but you can choose any day that works for you. Just make sure you’re consistent!

Using a Planner

Using a planner to organize my days and weeks really helps me stay on top of all those thousands of things I need to remember. Writing them down in my planner helps free my brain so I can focus on the present moment – something that I feel is really important!

Plus, I’m less likely to forget important things like dentist appointments and groceries.

You can learn more about my planner and even purchase your own here.

The Simplified Mary Planner @ AVirtuousWoman.org

My life is hectic, crazy, and full. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love this life I’m living and the people I’m living it with! Always remember that in the midst of all that busyness to find time to laugh and love everyday. Being organized isn’t always possible all the time and being perfect is pretty impossible, but loving through the mess is always possible!

A Simple Morning Routine

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  1. Hi Melissa, I've visited you before, I don't know why I didn't subscribe! I'm a grandmother now, but I still need help! Every t me I de-clutter, life gets less stressful. And when I prepare the night before, mornings are less stressful! God is so good to be patient with me! Inspire Me Monday

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