Feeling Frumpy? How to Easily Look More Put Together

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As a stay at home mom and homemaker, it can be really easy to get in a rut with your clothing. I’ve been there! A couple years ago I realized I was tired of feeling frumpy – and I was tired of looking like a tired mom! Today I’m sharing some of my favorite resources for how to look more put together as a homemaker.

How to Look More Put Together with Stitch Fix @ AVirtuousWoman.org

As a young mom, taking a shower and feel fresh each day was life giving. Raising five kids is a lot of work and something – especially when you have young little ones around your feet all day, finding time to get in the shower can be a challenge.

If you’re in that season of motherhood, I want to encourage you to try to take that time for yourself. It’s okay to put your baby in a safe place – like a bouncer on the floor of the bathroom or in their crib for 10 minutes while you grab a shower!

Getting Dressed for the Day

I’ve always known I’m more productive on days when I get dressed down to my shoes. I work more efficiently and don’t have to stop what I’m doing to get dressed if I suddenly have to leave the house for an errand or to help someone out.

Not only that, but I feel better about myself when I get dressed. If I brush my hair and put on a little makeup, I feel better – not so frumpy. When I glance in the mirror through out the day and I’ve taken the time to do more than just throw my unbrushed hair into a messy bun or pony tail, I don’t hate my reflection.

How to Look Put Together as a Homemaker 

It’s not about having a lot of clothes or constantly shopping. It’s not about chasing the latest trends or spending money you don’t have. Getting dressed as a homemaker is all about reflecting your priorities as a Proverbs 31 woman. 

related: Dressing as a Christian Homemaker

Frump Fighters

My current favorite resource I’ve been using to help me put outfits together is the Year Round Outfit Guide for Moms by Corina Holden from Frump Fighters. I purchased the guide along with the course back in March of last year. It’s so helpful!!

Just the name alone told me this was something I could use. It’s that my standard t-shirt and jeans necessarily looked frumpy, but I often felt like I just looked like a tired mom. And basically, the reality is – being a mom can be pretty exhausting.

Hint: It’s not just for moms!! You’ll find this guide helpful whether you’re a mom or not! Plus, if you work outside the home, she has a guide for you too: The Year Round Business Style Guide for Moms!

But I didn’t want to look like a tired mom with no sense of style. I honestly feel more confident in myself when I feel good about my appearance.

It arrived on my doorstep just about the time the quarantine started. And I’ll be honest, at first I felt silly, we were suddenly home every. single. day. Gone was my busy schedule outside the house.

Being home all the time is an easy way to feel like your clothes don’t matter.

But I slowly went through the book and looked at the shopping guide and made a few purchases. I still have a number of pieces from the outfit guide to purchase, but already, I feel like my wardrobe is more versatile.

Last year I purged a lot of my clothes. In fact, my closet has been pretty empty. I decided to only keep the clothes that truly made me feel good when I wore them.

I’ve found that when I have fewer clothes and they’re clothes I really love! I’m happier, wear them more often, and feel better about my appearance. Having a bunch of clothes in my closet and drawers that I never wear just causes me stress!!

The biggest issue I struggle with now is that when we do leave the house it’s usually to head out to the barn. With summer finally arriving, knowing I’m getting dressed to head to the barn where I’ll feel hot and sweaty makes me really think about which clothes I want to wear and I tend to gravitate to clothes I’ll feel cooler in – like a sports bra and tank with shorts.

But today (as I write this) I dressed in a t-shirt dress and sandals. Nothing fancy but definitely cuter than what I would normally wear.

Stitch Fix

Another resource I started taking advantage of and have loved is Stitch Fix. I know a lot of women have used Stitch Fix for years, but it’s not a service I ever thought to use until we were at home for several months in a row in 2020. Wow, I love it!

Bonus: Get a $25.00 free credit when you sign up for Stitch Fix and schedule your first box using my link!

Most of the time I get boxes of clothes I love. There have been a couple of times when the selections were just so so. But overall, I have had a great experience with Stitch Fix. Here are a few examples of clothes that I’ve received from Stitch Fix and have purchased:

How to Look More Put Together with Stitch Fix @ AVirtuousWoman.org
How to Look More Put Together with Stitch Fix @ AVirtuousWoman.org
How to Look More Put Together with Stitch Fix @ AVirtuousWoman.org
How to Look More Put Together with Stitch Fix @ AVirtuousWoman.org

How does Stitch Fix work?

When you sign up for Stitch Fix, you’ll be asked a series of questions about your style preferences. It’s important that you give as much detail as you can! Answer all of the questions and really think about the areas of your body you want to accentuate and what areas of your body you’d like to not accentuate.

I also highly recommend you give a thumbs up or thumbs down on a regular basis to clothes in your “style shuffle.” You’ll find the “style shuffle” on the main page of your account (or the main page of the app) when you scroll down a little bit.

You can choose how often you want to receive a Stitch Fix box. You can choose to get automatic boxes shipped at intervals of your choosing (mine is currently set to once every three months) or you can choose to only order a new Fix when you want one.

In each Fix you’ll receive five items selected by your stylist. Remember, the more detailed your answers and the more detailed your notes are to your stylist, the more likely she is to understand you style needs.

I’ve received a few pieces that when I first pulled them out of my box I thought I would never even consider trying it on in the store, but now those are some of my favorite pieces!! I’ve been amazed at how getting Stitch Fix in the mail has encouraged me to try new styles and outfits I would never have thought to wear before.

Plus, it’s just so much fun to get in the mail! Click here to schedule your first Stitch Fix and get $25.00 free credit!!

The other day I had my girls take a picture of my backside in every single pair of jeans I own. Okay, so that’s not something I ever thought I’d say in a blog post.

But, hear me out.

I learned a lot about my jeans. Namely. A lot of them didn’t look nearly as good from behind as they did from the front.

Lesson learned. Ask a friend or your teenage daughter how your jeans look from the back before you buy. And if you really want to know, ask for an eye-level picture.

Choosing the Perfect Pair of Jeans

I just found my new favorite pair of jeans from Stitch Fix. They are a pair of High Rise Boyfriend Jeans and they fit so well! Plus, they are comfortable too! Most of my jeans are from Levi’s – and don’t get me wrong, I love them all. But this new pair is extra comfortable while still looking fitted.

Looking put together doesn’t have to be hard. It’s so much easier when you take advantage of the resources out there!

More Frump Fighting Resources:

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  1. Thank you for sharing your experience. I loved to sew in my youth. Raising children, being married pushed sewing out. But now the house has calmed down a bit. On Christmas day I joined up with Seamwork with the goal to sew myself a fresh wardrobe. First step, what to make? Here is where you helped by sharing your story! I believe Corina can help me focus in on what I want to sew and how it will work together. I heard about Frump Fighters in September but didn't see how it would help until I read your post! This is exciting! Thank you

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