
What does Proverbs 31 Say About Mothers?

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Have you ever wondered what Proverbs 31 says about mothers and how you can apply these principles in your life as a Christian mother?

It’s no secret I love the chapter of Proverbs 31. This powerful chapter provides valuable insights into the characteristics of a virtuous woman and how Christian mothers can embody these principles in their daily lives.

Be sure to download my free printable Proverbs 31 Goal Setting Workbook for Moms at the bottom of this blog post! You’ll receive a 10 page .pdf workbook you can print!

I’ve been a mom for over 32 years now. When I think about it, it’s so hard to believe! Where did the years go? It feels like just yesterday I was tending to babies, chasing toddlers, and cheering on adolescents. 

Motherhood is such a beautiful journey that requires strength, love, and dedication. I am so very thankful for the years I spent raising my children. If you haven’t read my story before, my husband and I have 9 kids between the two of us – his mine and ours. I gave birth to five of them. We also have 17 grandchildren (so far!!).

I’m currently raising 4 of my grandchildren (my step-daughter’s kids) who are ages 15, 13, 11, and 9. That’s been a-whole-nother challenge in and of itself, but I can tell you that even with the challenges I love seeing them grow and learn. Having the opportunity to teach and train your children in the way they should go is a blessing! 

Me with some of my kids (left to right) daughter Hannah and her boyfriend Marvin, daughter Emily holding Marzi, grandkids: Jessica, Jared, Jenna (redhead in back), Jaala, and my youngest daughter Laura with Marlowe (in front) – Christmas 2022

Psalm 127:3 – “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

As Proverbs 31 women, we are called to raise our children in fear of the Lord and to be virtuous examples for them to follow. All the words in the world don’t mean anything to a child if they don’t see you living out those lessons in your own life. 

Proverbs 31:28 – “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”

Proverbs 31 provides a blueprint for excellence in motherhood. Today we’re exploring what Proverbs 31 says about mothers and how we can be encouraged to live out these principles in our daily lives.

My youngest girls on the set of Kids Time in 2008.

As mothers, we know how challenging and rewarding motherhood can be. It doesn’t take long when you become a first-time mother to realize there is so much you don’t know. As the days and weeks go by, you find that daily joys are met with daily challenges, and it’s a growing, learning process.  It’s a journey filled with ups and downs, but it’s also an opportunity to grow in our faith and to impact the lives of our children positively.

The principles outlined in Proverbs 31 provide us with a solid foundation for motherhood, from which we can draw strength and encouragement.

Proverbs 31: What Does This Chapter Say About Moms? Video

One way to apply the principles of Proverbs 31 is by seeking support and community with other Christian mothers. Joining a mom’s group, attending Bible studies, or connecting with other moms through social media (in a healthy way)  can help us stay encouraged and connected. It’s also an opportunity to learn from other moms who have gone before us and to share our own experiences and insights.

Another way we can apply the principles of Proverbs 31 is by setting goals and priorities for ourselves as moms. We can ask ourselves what kind of mother we want to be and what values we want to instill in our children. We can also identify areas where we need to grow and seek God’s guidance and wisdom to help us in those areas.

Me with Emily in 2014.
Me and Laura in 2013.

It’s important to remember that motherhood is a journey, and we won’t always get it right. We will make mistakes along the way, but we can find comfort in knowing that God’s grace is sufficient! We can turn to Him in prayer, seek His forgiveness and guidance, and lean on His strength to help us through the challenges of motherhood. 

Childhood is fleeting. Don’t let the years pass you by. Be an intentional mother!

Isaiah 40:11:  “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”

related: Understanding Your Child’s Love Language

What Does Proverbs 31 Say About Mothers?

Let’s keep these principles in mind as we continue on our journey of motherhood, and remember that you have a beautiful opportunity to impact the lives of your children and the world around you. Let’s answer the question: what does Proverbs 31 say about mothers:

#1 A Godly Mother is Trustworthy 

Proverbs 31:11-12: The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.  She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.

As mothers, we are called to be trustworthy and dependable. This verse in Proverbs 31 emphasizes the importance of trustworthiness in marriage and motherhood. Trustworthy mothers are faithful, committed, and loyal to their families. By being trustworthy, you can build a strong foundation of love and trust in your homes.

How to Be a Trustworthy Mother

Beyond the obvious of being honest and not telling lies, what are some other ways you can be a trustworthy mother?

  1. Keep your promises: If you make a commitment to your child, make sure you follow through on your word. This can include promises about spending time together, completing household tasks, or being there for your kids in times of need.
  2. Listen actively: Show your children you value their thoughts and opinions by actively listening to them when they speak. Avoid interrupting, and give them your full attention.
  3. Don’t overreact: If your child tells you something sensitive or hard or even asks an uncomfortable question, don’t overreact. Don’t make shocked facial expressions. Show your kids you’re there for them even for the hard conversations and that your love is unconditional.
  4. Be reliable: Being reliable means that your kids can count on you to be there when they need you. Basically – just show up and give them your best.
Me holding my grandson Aiden in 2020.

#2 A Godly Mother is Hardworking 

Proverbs 31:13-15: She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.

You know how the saying goes, a mother’s work is never done, and the verse in Proverbs 31 highlights the importance of diligence and industriousness in managing a household. As godly mothers, we are called to work hard to meet the needs of our families and to create a warm and nurturing environment for our children. By being industrious, we can provide for our families and teach our children the value of perseverance and diligence. 

It can be easy to feel like we are burdened down by everything we think needs to be done in a day. And it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. No doubt about it, motherhood is hard work!

Just remember, there is nothing you have to do each day. You choose to do the things you do because you love your family. And, if you are truly overwhelmed by a hectic schedule, maybe it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate your priorities and decide which chores and activities are worth pursuing and which ones you can let go of. 

Think about the kind of mom you want to be.

  • You don’t have to do the laundry this week. You do the laundry because you want to be the kind of mom who makes sure her kids have clean clothes to wear – not because you have to.
  • You don’t have to plan road trip activities in the car for your kids this summer. You want to be the mom who makes the road trip fun for your kids.
  • You don’t have to pick up and straighten the house before bed. You want to be the mom who makes sure your home is neat.
  • You don’t have to help your child with their homework. You want to be the mom that pours into your child so he can learn to the best of his ability.

Just because the work of motherhood can be exhausting at times doesn’t mean it’s bad. But you get to do the things you need to do so that you can be the mom you want to be. And you get to decide what you think about the things you do.

Tessa Romero is a wonderful resource for moms who are struggling with mindset!

#3 A Godly Mother is Wise 

Proverbs 31:26: She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Wisdom is a crucial element of motherhood, and this verse in Proverbs 31 stresses the importance of seeking God’s guidance in all areas of our lives, including motherhood.

The words that come out of your mouth are so incredibly important. Especially the words you speak to your children. Your words become your children’s inner voice. How do you want them to talk to themselves? Moms, please, please think before you speak. Take a moment to pause and breathe when you feel frustrated or angry with your child. Be gentle with your voice and disciplined in your speech. 

And to this point, your children need you to be patient and kind. Show your children respect. If you lose your cool – apologize, but go beyond that to working on your own mindset and anger so that it doesn’t happen again. Yelling really can do emotional damage to your children.

#4 A Godly Mother is Generous 

Proverbs 31:20: She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy.

Generosity is a beautiful characteristic that mothers can instill in their children. This verse in Proverbs 31 highlights the importance of giving and serving others in the community. As mothers, we are called to teach our children the value of kindness, compassion, and sharing with others. By being generous, we can make a positive impact in our communities and raise our children to be compassionate and loving.

Try incorporating ideas for volunteering and serving within your family. What are some ways you can get your children involved in serving others at church or in your community?

related: Random Acts of Kindness for Kids

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I balance motherhood with other responsibilities?

Balancing motherhood with other responsibilities can be challenging, but by prioritizing your time and seeking God’s guidance, you can find a healthy balance that works for your family. Different seasons of motherhood will look different and each family has its own set of unique challenges and that’s okay! You may find what was working last year is no longer working and it’s time to re-evaluate your goals and priorities or make changes in your family’s schedule. 

  1. How can I encourage my children to love God?

Encouraging your children to love God can be done through prayer, Bible study, attending church, family worship, and being a positive example of faith in their lives. My favorite way to instill faith in my children was and is simply having spiritual conversations with them – the kinds of authentic, organic conversations that just come up on a daily basis. 

  1. What can I do to stay encouraged as a mother?

Staying encouraged as a mother can be done through prayer, spending time with other Christian mothers, reading encouraging books and blogs, and looking for joy in the small moments of motherhood.


As mothers, we have the beautiful responsibility of raising our children in the ways of the Lord. Proverbs 31 provides us with a blueprint for excellence in motherhood, and by being trustworthy, hardworking, wise, and generous, we can have a positive impact on our families and communities. 

It’s important to remember that we aren’t perfect, and all moms make mistakes. However, we can find encouragement knowing God has entrusted us with these precious children and He will guide us every step of the way if we just ask! Let’s strive to be Proverbs 31 women who honor God as mothers and leave a legacy of faith for future generations. 

Action Steps to Take Today 

  1. Pray for wisdom and ask God to guide you in your role as a mother. Ask God to give you the strength, patience, and wisdom you need to raise your children in the ways of the Lord.
  2. Take some today time to reflect on your priorities as a mother. What values do you want to instill in your children, and what kind of mother do you want to be? Write down your goals and make a plan to work towards them.
  3. Download my free printable Goal Setting Workbook for Christian Mothers below, if desired.
  4. Remember that motherhood is a journey, and you won’t always get it right. Be kind to yourself, seek forgiveness when you make mistakes, and extend grace to your children and others around you. Trust in God’s grace and love to guide you through the challenges of motherhood.

Free Printable Goal Setting Workbook for Proverbs 31 Moms

Are you ready to reflect on your priorities as a mother and set actionable goals that align with the principles of Proverbs 31? This Proverbs 31 Goal-Setting Worksheet is designed to help you identify your values, set goals, and strengthen your role as a mother.

How to Get the Printable

  1. Just fill out the form below and you’ll receive an email giving you instant access to this free printable.
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  3. If you’re a member of the Homemaker’s Circle, this printable can be found inside of the membership! If not, you can join today for as little as $1.00 a week and get instant access to over $500 worth of digital products and homemaking classes including The Disciplined Homemaker and A Time to Clean!

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What is one way you have applied the principles of Proverbs 31 in your life as a mother, and how has it positively impacted your family?

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  1. I am preparing a sermon for our Mother's Day Appreciation service this Sunday. I plan to use the information you have shared. I understand that I can use the material that is in your blogging site. I am giving you the credit for this message because you have really put the time into the message. Thank You so much for sharing.
  2. Hello Madam, Hope you are doing well. I really love your blogs. You are very nice mother. 5 values i want to instill in my kids are: 1) Always speak truth 2) never break heart ( be polite, have patience and be kind) 3) hard working 4) self confidence 5) Share with others ( no greed for this materialistic world) Thanks for reading.

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