
A Simple Morning Workout Anyone Can Do | 8 Simple Exercises

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Getting up and going in the morning isn’t always the easiest – especially when as a wife, mom, and homemaker you still feel tired. But moving your body first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day. Not only will you feel healthier, exercise is proven to help you have more energy and even makes you feel happier! Today I’m sharing a simple morning workout anyone can do.

Even if you’re not traditionally a morning person, a simple morning workout can really get your day started on the right track. It can be a better pick-me-up than caffeine and it’s better for you. You can do some of the simplest exercises and still have the biggest impact on your health and that is what a good morning routine will do for you.

A few years ago I realized I needed to make a change in my lifestyle. I was tired of squeezing into my jeans and we were going camping. So I walked into a store and bought a bigger size jean so I could be comfortable on our camp out.

I never thought I’d buy that particular size jeans. And it was that day that I decided I was going to make some serious changes in my habits. I made little changes at first.

  • stopped going back for seconds
  • started snacking on fruit instead of other options
  • started moving my body more

One year later I was three sizes smaller. But I still had a way to go. My body was soft and I was ready to get more serious about getting fit. I got a membership at the YMCA and started going to the gym.

The thing is, I’ve realized it’s so easy to be lazy when it comes to food and moving. If you want to make a significant change in your life, you have to be intentional about it.

Before and After Photos

This photo below is actually a before and (1 year) after I started going to the gym. I didn’t think to take “before” photos of when I first started trying to lose weight. I’m not super toned. I don’t have crazy goals or rock hard abs. But I feel better!

Things that did change from working out:

  • my arms aren’t as flabby
  • my core is stronger
  • my legs looked nicer in shorts
  • I have better posture now

The girls and I were very faithful about going to the gym three times a week and I really loved lifting weights. Unfortunately, this year we haven’t been able to go to the gym and I’ve gotten a little lazy about working out. But I know I need to get back my good habits if I want to stay fit!

I’m excited to really focus on my health and overall fitness for the coming new year. I hope you will too! A morning workout is a great place to start.

Not only will a morning workout keep you in the daily habit of working out, but it allows you to get your day started right. Let’s look at a simple but effective morning workout anyone can do.

A Simple Morning Workout Anyone Can Do

“She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.” Proverbs 31:17

  1. First, start with a good stretch. It always feels good to stretch after you’ve been lying in the bed all night and it will get your muscles a bit more limber.
  2. Next, do some calf raises. You can do them anywhere and it doesn’t require any special equipment.
  3. Move from calf raises into chair dips. This works out the muscles in the arms and the legs. You also work on your core. You can do this right from your bedside if you want.
  4. Now get your heart pumping a bit with some jumping jacks. These are great for cardio and pelvic floor health.
  5. Move from the jumping jacks into lunges. Do a set on your right leg and a set on your left leg or alternate in between each one.
  6. Now do some squats. You should make sure you have proper form when doing them to get the most benefit and to prevent injury.
  7. Make large circular motions with your arms outstretched. This is a great cool-down exercise. This one is so simple, many people do it in elementary school but it’s a great exercise for your arms.
  8. Wind down with some more stretches. You can spend as much or as little time on each step here in this workout. Some people start small and go longer with time, or it might just depend on how much time you have to get ready in the mornings.

Video Examples

#1 First, start with a good stretch. It always feels good to stretch after you’ve been lying in the bed all night and it will get your muscles a bit more limber.

#2 Next, do some calf raises. You can do them anywhere and it doesn’t require any special equipment.

#3 Move from calf raises into chair dips. This works out the muscles in the arms and the legs. You also work on your core. You can do this right from your bedside if you want.

#4 Now get your heart pumping a bit with some jumping jacks. These are great for cardio and pelvic floor health.

#5 Move from the jumping jacks into lunges. Do a set on your right leg and a set on your left leg or alternate in between each one.

#6 Now do some squats. You should make sure you have proper form when doing them to get the most benefit and to prevent injury.

#7 Make large circular motions with your arms outstretched. This is a great cool-down exercise. This one is so simple, many people do it in elementary school but it’s a great exercise for your arms.

#8 Wind down with some more stretches. You can spend as much or as little time on each step here in this workout. Some people start small and go longer with time, or it might just depend on how much time you have to get ready in the mornings.

You’re Done!

Now you’re ready to get started for the day. Time to shower, get dressed, and start the rest of your morning routine.

A good workout doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t require any special equipment. As you can see from this morning workout, it’s just you and your body and there’s nothing more that you need. You can do this workout anywhere so it’s also good for traveling, or at other times of the day.

I hope to write more about staying healthy and getting fit in 2021. Are you on a fitness journey too? Let me know in the comments below!

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One Comment

  1. I'm a bit overweight and not happy with it. I've never been good at exercising and hoping to change this in 2021. I'm also going to try eating healthier. I need to make more specific goals for each of these to keep myself going.

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