
Day 1: Be Still and Serve: Balancing Stillness and Service

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Welcome to Day 1 of our “Be Still and Serve: Cultivating the Heart of a Homemaker” challenge. If you’re reading this, give yourself a pat on the back. I’m so proud of you for taking this step in cultivating the heart of a homemaker.

Be sure to download the free journaling pages here.

Embracing the Dawn

Have you ever noticed the serenity of the early morning? Before the sun rises in the morning, there’s a quiet stillness – a gift of solitude. Today, we’re drawing inspiration from Mark 1:35:

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

Jesus, amidst His healing, teaching, and traveling, always made time to be still and connect with the Father. So what better way for us to start our challenge than by following His example?

I know how hard it can feel to wake up earlier. Especially if you’re already tired. But let’s think about how profound the idea that Jesus thought spending time in prayer was so important that he sought out the time even in the quiet early morning hours when he could be alone to commune with His Father.

And if the Son of God so desperately needed that time in prayer, how much more do we, as sinful humans, need time to talk to God and listen for His voice?

As homemakers, it can be so easy to get caught up in all of the doing that we forget to be still.

Imagine the house of Mary and Martha, two sisters with very distinct personalities. While Martha scurried about with the weight of hospitality on her shoulders, Mary chose to sit at Jesus’s feet, absorbing His teachings.

Often it feels easier to stay busy than it does to spend time digging into God’s Word and reflecting on our own sin and God’s purpose for our lives.

In our homes, we often find ourselves teetering between these two roles: the doer and the hearer, don’t we? Of course, Jesus admonished Martha in her hard work, but perhaps it had more to do with her attitude than it did her acts of service.

Just like Mary and Martha demonstrated two different roles that we can take on as Christian women, as homemakers and Proverbs 31 women, we want to remember that while the doing is good and needed – it’s the heart that speaks the loudest.

If we rush about like martyrs for the kingdom in our daily chores, feeling resentful because there’s so much to do we haven’t really assumed the heart of a home-maker. Housekeeping as necessary as it may be, it is not what makes a house a home.

“But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.” 1 Peter 3:4

Remember, being a Proverbs 31 woman isn’t about achieving perfection. There is no perfection required. Being a Proverbs 31 woman isn’t about being perfect – it’s about living with purpose. It’s about waking up each day, aligning our hearts with God, and seeing our daily tasks as acts of worship.

5 Tips for Waking Up Early

Waking up early can truly transform your days and infuse them with a sense of purpose and intention. As you embark on the “Be Still and Serve: Cultivating the Heart of a Homemaker” challenge, here are five tips to help you embrace early mornings with open arms:

  1. Create a Restful Evening Routine: A successful early morning starts the night before. Design an evening routine that winds you down, preparing your body and mind for a restful sleep. Dim the lights, avoid screens, and engage in calming activities like reading or journaling. Adequate sleep sets the foundation for a rejuvenating morning.
  2. Set an Intentional Bedtime: Calculate the number of hours of sleep you need and work backward to determine your bedtime. Consistency matters, so aim to go to bed and wake up at the same times each day. This rhythm helps regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to rise early.
  3. Create a Peaceful Morning Environment: Make your early wake-up call inviting by setting up your surroundings the night before. Lay out your cozy robe, prepare your morning beverage, and arrange your devotional materials. This simple act of preparation welcomes you into a serene and purposeful start.
  4. Start Small and Gradual: If you’re not accustomed to waking up early, don’t make drastic changes overnight. Gradually shift your wake-up time earlier by 15 minutes each day until you reach your desired time. This gradual adjustment minimizes resistance and makes the process smoother.
  5. Engage in a Morning Ritual: Begin your day with a meaningful routine that speaks to your soul. Whether it’s prayer, meditation, journaling, or a few moments of quiet reflection, these practices center your mind and heart, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Combine this with the “Be Still and Serve” challenge’s morning meditation to amplify your purposeful start.

Embracing early mornings is a journey that requires patience and commitment, but the rewards are immeasurable. As you immerse yourself in the challenge, remember that each sunrise is an opportunity to connect with your purpose, cultivate a heart of service, and create a haven of warmth and intention within your home.

Early Morning Bible Verses

Psalm 5:3 – “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

Lamentations 3:22-23 – “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Morning Tasks

#1 Read your Bible and pray before you start the day.

#2 Make your bed.

#3 Create a simple morning routine with at least 3 of the following tasks:

  • 15 minutes or more of movement i.e. walking, workout video, stretching, etc
  • eat a healthy breakfast & tidy the kitchen
  • get dressed for the day
  • start a load of laundry
  • wipe down bathrooms (not a full clean, just a wipe down and tidy)

Action Steps to Take Today

  1. Pray and ask God to help you start waking up earlier so that you have time to spend with Him.
  2. Reflect on your attitudes about homemaking. Are you frazzled and resentful like Martha? Or are you demonstrating patience, love, and care as you manage your home?
  3. Download today’s journaling page, if desired, and write down your thoughts and make note of any changes you want to work on. You can download the pages here.
  4. Hop on over to The Ministry of Homemaking Facebook group and join the conversation!

And don’t forget to check back tomorrow for Day 2 of our journey. Until then, be still, serve with a heart full of love, and remember: this is a journey of purpose, not perfection. I’d love to have you share this 5 day homemaking challenge with a friend or fellow homemaker. Encourage them to join us, and let’s build a community of purpose-driven homemakers together!

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