
How to Reconnect with God when You’ve Drifted Away

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If you’ve drifted away from God, I want you to know this important truth: God is always there, waiting for us to come back. We may wander away from Him because we’re afraid or angry with Him, but He’s never too far away. Reconnecting with God can start as a simple prayer and become an intentional journey of trusting Him again.

We know that the Proverbs 31 woman was a woman of faith and it’s her relationship with God that made her who she was!

Does this sound familiar? The day came that you thought would never come as a new believer. You thought the love in your heart would never leave. You woke up and you realized that you were slipping in your faith. You just don’t feel the way you first did when you came to Christ.

You haven’t picked up a Bible in weeks. You rarely pray and when you do, the prayers feel empty and shallow. You are not even sure God hears you anymore. Your relationship with God is different… off. You start to feel anxious all the time and overwhelmed with spiritual things.

We all have seasons where we feel disconnected from God. I know I certainly have. You might be feeling distant from God right now, but you don’t need to stay that way!

Life can be so hard sometimes and sometimes it feels as if there is no end in sight to the pain and grief you may experience. If you’ve ever felt disconnected from God during a time of darkness, I want to encourage you today to take that first step toward your Creator and reach out to Him.

Reconnecting with God

There is no other decision you’ll ever make as important as the one you make to come home to Jesus. There have been times in my life when I felt like God wasn’t there, like He wasn’t listening when I prayed – like I had been abandoned by God.

The truth is, God is always there. Even when you can’t feel His presence.

Remember how when you first gave your heart to Jesus and you were so full of excitement for Him? You looked forward to reading your Bible. You had to tell everyone how good He was. You felt passionate about your new relationship with Jesus.

Your life was transformed and made new!

Unfortunately, it’s all too common for Christians to find themselves becoming disengaged with Christ – especially when life gets busy or life gets especially hard.

Instead of turning to Christ when we need Him the most, we allow ourselves to drift away and disconnect to the only One who can truly calm our troubled hearts.

 You may not even really understand how it happened. How did you allow yourself to fall so far away? But it did happen and you know you need to find your way back.

Spiritual drift is something that can happen to even the strongest Christian if they aren’t careful. It can happen without you even realizing it and before you know it, you feel disconnected from God.

“Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?” Hebrews 2:1-3 ESV

Remember the old hymn? It’s one of my favorites: “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” – it’s such a good reminder because what happens when we look away from Jesus and we allow ourselves to focus on the world around us for too long – we start to drift away.

But the good news is, you don’t have to stay disconnected from Jesus! He’s always there waiting for you to come back into His presence.  

Reconnecting with His love.

Let’s talk about how to reconnect with God when you’ve drifted away.  

I’ve talked a lot over the years about how guilt and shame can keep you bound. Guilt and shame are tools the devil uses to keep us separated from a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus.

Shame tells you you’ll never be good enough and when you’ve struggled with shame in the past, it’s easy to let those thoughts creep back in when you least expect it. Shame will tell you lies like:

  • you will never be good enough
  • you’re too bad to truly be forgiven
  • you won’t be in heaven
  • you’re a phony and a hypocrite
  • you’re not worthy of Jesus’ love

But the thing is, those lies are just lies. They only have power over you if you spend time thinking about them. Dwelling on lies, dwelling on your past sins, dwelling on the things you’ve done that make you feel ashamed only serves to keep you frozen in time.

The truth is, you don’t have to be perfect to come back to Jesus. You don’t have to beat yourself up over and over again for things you can’t change. His grace is sufficient for you.

God was there when you came to Him out of darkness the first time. He will be there with open arms when you come back to Him – even when you feel like you’ve drifted so far away that there’s surely no way. He’s calling you to come home! 

And nothing will keep Him from pursuing you.

“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!” Psalm 139:7-8 ESV

You are His beloved and His love for you is everlasting! 

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love… grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” Ephesians 3:17-18

You are loved by a great God. A God who loves you not because of anything you’ve done. He loves you because you are His child and God is love. And even when you’ve taken your eyes off Jesus, even when you’ve made mistakes, even when you drifted away, He loves you!

Reconnect with God through prayer.  

If you’ve drifted away from your Savior, you probably haven’t spent a lot of time talking to Him through prayer lately. But prayer is one of the best ways to reconnect with God. It’s how you get to have a two-way conversation with Him!

Prayer doesn’t have to be fancy. Your prayers don’t have to be long or drawn out or even impressive. A simple heartfelt prayer is all it takes to begin reconnecting to God. You can talk to Him just like you would your best friend.

And you can tell him anything. After all, God knows you better than you even know yourself! He knows the motives of your heart. He knows everything about you and you can tell Him anything.

related: 5 of the Best Devotions for Moms + Free Printable

You can begin right now. Just ask Him to forgive you for drifting away and believe He is faithful to forgive.

And then tell him all the things that are heavy on your heart. He will listen!

Even if you don’t feel His presence, He is there listening. Sometimes it can be hard to feel Him when life has been especially hard. But the thing is, feelings can’t be trusted.

However, the Word of God can be trusted. 

And when you talk to Him, He listens.  

Jeremiah 29:12-13 says, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

God listens to your heart-felt prayers no matter what you’ve done or how bad you think you’ve been. He knows the spiritual state of your heart and He knows exactly what you need. He will listen to you and He will answer you. You just have to believe.

Reconnect with God through His Word 

God’s Word is the most important tool in your Christian toolbox. His Word is truth. It’s His letter to you. It’s how we have a two-way conversation with Him. It’s hard to hear His Voice when we aren’t reading His Word!

The Bible is the living Word of God.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 ESV 

If you haven’t been in the Word of God in a while because you’ve drifted away, it can feel hard to focus on reading the Bible or even studying the Bible.

But, you’ll feel better if you just start. You don’t have to spend hours reading the Bible. You can start with just a verse or two or one chapter. Pray and ask God to lead you to what He’d have you read and just begin. Ask Him to help you engage and feel excited about His Word again.

 The Bible teaches us so very much and we learn who God is through the verses in the Bible.

The Bible tells us that Scripture is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16–17

It goes on to say that this same Word equips you and completes you for every good work.

All throughout the Bible, you’ll see how God works through real people. You discover how holy and faithful He is. The Bible teaches us about His grace, power, and love for His people.

The Bible tells us God does not change. And that means He will never change His mind about you. He loves you today and for always. You can never walk so far away from God that His love can’t find you.   

related: How to Started Reading the Bible Daily

It’s important to make reading the Bible a regular habit, so if you’ve found yourself neglecting to read the Word, now’s a great time to reconnect with God through His Word. It will help you in so many ways!  

Reading the Bible is a spiritual discipline and reading His Word will make huge impacts on your life if you make it a daily habit. If you’re struggling with a lack of desire to read God’s Word, be sure to ask Him to help you find the motivation and discipline you need to dig into His Word.

 The Bible is the only book you’ll ever read that is alive and active – the living, breathing Word of God! It gives life to those who are spiritually dead and it has the power to heal the wounds of your heart.  

Jesus said in Matthew 24:25, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

God’s Word is absolute truth. In our post-modern age when people believe that truth changes depending on how you feel or what you like, it’s more important than ever that we ground ourselves in the Word of God and stand on His Truth.

If you are feeling disconnected from God, I hope you’ll allow these thoughts and ideas to guide your journey back home. It’s never too late and you are never too far gone to find your way back to God. He’s waiting for you!

 Action Steps to Take Today

  1. Pray and ask God to help you find your way back to Him today.
  2. Believe He will answer your prayer.
  3. Make a commitment to spend a few minutes each day to reconnect with God through prayer and Bible reading.
  4. Choose a time to set aside specifically for the purpose of reconnecting with God each day.
  5. Download my free printable prayer journal below, if desired.

Free Printable Simple Prayer Journal

Download my free printable Simple Prayer Journal to use in your daily quiet time as you reconnect to God in the coming days!

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