Course Content
The Disciplined Homemaker
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I remember when I was a young mom and it just felt like I could never catch up and the house was always a mess. Always. I would panic at the thought of company coming over. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong, why I couldn’t get it together, or why it was so hard for me to keep a neat home.


Here’s the thing though. You can have a messy house whether you have kids at home or not. Some of us, like me, are just prone to messiness. It comes naturally to me.

The fact is, messiness is really just a way of life for a lot of us. We have bad habits. Bad habits that pile up like paper clutter and shoes on the mudroom floor. Or laundry. Laundry piles up way to fast!

Establishing good habits is the key to overcoming messiness. And good habits are built one by one. So let’s start tonight.


Go to bed with a clean kitchen.

Now, for some of you, a clean kitchen may mean clean counters, a clean stove, and refrigerator.

But we’re building good habits. And like I said, good habits are built one by one. So, what I’m asking you to do tonight is go to bed with clean dishes and a clean sink. If you feel like wiping down the counters and stove or clearing the clutter off of your counters go ahead. But if you walk into your kitchen and everything feels overwhelming, don’t worry about the mess.

Just get those dishes done and wipe out your sink.

Repeat tomorrow night. You may be surprised at how much happier you’ll feel in the morning. I’m sure of it!

This morning’s worship song:

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