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The Disciplined Homemaker
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1. Simplify. We talked about slowing down and saying no to too many outside activities. Simplifying your life really does bring more peace and joy! Less is MORE. We don’t need more stuff. We don’t need more to do. We don’t need more, more, more.

Unfortunately, for most Americans, the mindset is often MORE IS MORE. Cut down on the clutter in your life – whether it be things cluttering your time, your space, your home, your relationship, your walk with Christ. Get rid of the excess things that are dragging you down instead of lifting you up.

2. Make your home pretty. I know, most of us are on tight budgets these days. But making your home pretty doesn’t have to cost a lot. Use your creativity. Scour decorating blogs for ideas on how to turn trash into treasure. Visit flea markets and thrift stores and yard sales if you can’t afford to shop at department stores. And even then, sometimes you can find amazing deals in stores you think you can’t afford to shop in.

I find most of my “pretty” things at stores like Wal-Mart, Big Lots, Hobby Lobby, and Dollar General.

3. Set aside time each week for you. I enjoy spending time on my Project Life albums. Sometimes I like to just spend a couple of hours in the morning {on slow days} to peruse my favorite homemaking blogs for inspiration. I also love hiking and camping. I feel refreshed when I get to spend an afternoon out with my kids on a hike. Maybe you enjoy sewing or painting. Whatever it is that brings you joy, make time for it.

4. Read edifying and inspiring books. Of course, the BEST book to read to help you feel inspired in your ministry at home is the Bible. And I encourage each of you to spend regular time in prayer and study. But reading books on homemaking, mothering, DIY, and more can help give your spirit a little boost when you need it.

This morning’s worship song:

This is such a powerful song. The words speak so loudly to my soul. The beginning of the chorus in particular:

“God, I fall down to my knees 

With a hammer in my hand

You look at me, arms open” 

It just gives me chills. I hope you are blessed today.

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