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Block Scheduling

Before divingĀ into the block scheduling tips, it’s important to know exactly what block scheduling is! Block scheduling is where you create “blocks” of time to do certain tasks with specific time frames to complete the task, rather than have a massive list of “to-do’s” with no real time or plan on how to do them for the day. Now that you have the basis of what it means, here are some tips on how you can use it to really enhance your days!

  • Using block scheduling will help you focus longer on certain tasks.

I’m so easily distracted. It’s not uncommon to get pulled away from EVERYTHING and then have trouble zoning back in on the task at hand that needs to get accomplished. The great thing about using this type of schedule is that if you set the block of 8AM-10AM during the day to do your daily and weekly chores, even if you your child needs you, you can go right back to where you left off until the allotted time is up.Ā 

  • Time management will become easierĀ when the stress is less.

How many times have you felt that your to-do list is totally stressful? You aren’t alone in that feeling! Most of us are guilty of cramming way too many items on our list to get done during the day. Block scheduling can help eliminate some of that stress.Ā 

While it is important to be as productive, it’s also just as important to be realistic. There are not many moms, homemakers or women out there that can tackle the 25 items that they put down on their daily to-do list! It’s just not going to happen. Block scheduling allows you to set the time needed for each task so that you stay on track, and pace yourself!Ā 

If you know that one of your tasks for the day is to clean the house, be honest with yourself about how long that will be and then schedule a block of time accordingly. There are certain tasks that deserve more than just a “check” off a list, and those tasks will take more time.

  • Block Scheduling factors in “real-life”.Ā 

One of the biggest reasons that block schedule is awesome is that it helps to “schedule” in real life. Things happen, life happens and our days and we don’t want to feel overwhelmed when interruptions happen. Giving yourself an hour to do a certain task may seem like too much time, but just remember how many things can interrupt you and get you side-tracked. Help needed from kids, a phone call, something breaking, bathroom breaks, work interruptions, neighbors stopping by, pet accidents…the list goes on and on.

  • Use a Timer to help you stay focused.

When you begin the next time block, set your timer. Stay focused. Get those tasks done. When the timer goes off, move to the next block. Anything you didn’t get done can be done tomorrow during the appropriate time block.

  1. Download the Block Schedule printable.
  2. Choose which of the three sheet styles you like best and fill in each block with your planned activities.
  3. Each block or routine should have a theme of sorts.

For example:

The Morning Block could be dedicated to your morning routine – getting dressed, getting your daily chores done, etc.

The Mid Morning Block could be dedicated to running errands, appointments, and any other activity outside the home.

Give some real thought to the type of activities you do during the day and create blocks/ routines for each group of similiar activities.

Display your block schedule where you can look at it often and set a timer for each block. When the timer goes off, move to the next block.

Just like when you were in high school the bell rang and you moved to the next class. You would concentrate and work focused on the current block and mentally shift to the next class “block” when the bell rang.

This morning’s worship song:

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