
8 Benefits of Christian Homeschooling

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Are you considering homeschooling your children? As a Christian parent, you may be wondering if homeschooling is the right choice for your family. Today I want to share some of the benefits of Christian homeschooling.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Homeschooling has been gaining popularity in recent years and for good reason. It offers many benefits for families, especially those who want to incorporate their faith into their children’s education.

I began homeschooling way back in 1998 when my son was going into second grade. I read a book by Debra Bell (probably the first edition) called The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling and I realized that’s what I wanted to do.

If you recall, I had my son when I was 15 years old and in March of 1998 he turned 7 years old so I was 22 years old by then and I was recently divorced with three kids. In 1999 I married Mykal and by 2003 I had five children of my own. We homeschooled each of them right through high school.

Note: In case you’re wondering about my four step-kids: the youngest was graduating highschool when my husband and I got married.

I had a myriad of reasons way back in 1998 to start homeschooling and I can tell you that what I am currently seeing in the media and the ideologies being taught in the public school systems around the country – I fear for our future generations. There are so many moral reasons to choose homeschooling over traditional secular education.

One of the main benefits of Christian homeschooling (and one of the main reasons I decided to homeschool) is the ability to integrate your faith into every aspect of your child’s education.

You can choose curricula that align with your beliefs and values, and teach your children from a biblical worldview. This means that your children will not only learn academic subjects but also important life lessons and values that are rooted in scripture.

Another benefit of Christian homeschooling is the flexibility it offers. You can create a customized curriculum that meets your child’s individual needs and interests. You can also set your own schedule and pace, allowing your child to learn at their own speed.

One day when my kids were still young, I was planning out our next homeschool year and trying to make all the decisions regarding curriculum. I prayed and asked God to show me what was best for my kids. I felt very strongly that God was telling me to find each child’s passion and focus on that. Not that I wasn’t going to teach all the subjects, but that as homeschoolers we could focus on different things that were meaningful to each individual child.

Homeschooling allowed my children opportunities they would not have had if they had attended a traditional school.

And that’s what I most love about Christian homeschooling. It allows you to provide a high-quality education that’s tailored to your child’s unique needs and your family’s values.

Christian Homeschooling

Christian homeschooling is an excellent option for Christian families who want to instill their values and beliefs in their children. It allows you to tailor your child’s education to their individual needs and interests while also providing a strong foundation in Christian teachings.

Many Christian homeschoolers choose to use faith-based curricula that integrates biblical teachings into every subject so they can offer their children a Christian worldview.

There are so many anti-Christian beliefs being taught in schools today. And while we must raise our children to have a strong faith that can withstand temptations and peer pressure, it’s important to weigh the benefits of homeschooling against the reality of public education.

Another benefit of Christian homeschooling is the opportunity to spend more time with your child. Homeschooling allows you to have a more significant role in your child’s education and spend more quality time with them.

This can lead to stronger family relationships and a deeper understanding of your child’s needs and interests.

I can’t fully express how grateful I am for the years I was able to spend with my children at home. We spent nearly every single day together during their growing up years and I wouldn’t trade that for anything! My youngest daughter is 20 years old and off at college now and I will never regret spending my days with all of my kids at home.

Benefits to Children

Homeschooling your children has a lot of benefits including academic advantages, social and emotional growth, and spiritual development. Here are some of the ways homeschooling can benefit your children.

#1 Academic Advantage

Homeschooled students tend to perform better academically than their traditionally schooled peers. This is because homeschooling allows for a personalized education tailored to your child’s learning style and pace.

You can also choose the curriculum that best fits your child’s needs and interests. Homeschooling also allows for more one-on-one attention, which can help your child better understand and retain information.

Plus, if your child has special needs you can find resources to help tailor your child’s education in the best way for them. My daughter Hannah is dyslexic and also has dysgraphia and dyspraxia. Learning to read was a struggle and handwriting was incredibly difficult. We were able to find ways to work with her that supported her learning styles and make school interesting for her.

#2 Social and Emotional Growth

Contrary to popular belief, homeschooling doesn’t hinder socialization. In fact, homeschooling can provide numerous opportunities for your child to socialize with peers of various ages and backgrounds.

Being shy is not a symptom of homeschooling. I know this because as a child I had debilitating social anxiety and was incredibly shy! I attended both public and private schools and being at school did not help my anxiety or shyness. In fact, it made it worse as I began to be terribly bullied by the time I was 6 years old.

My children never had to deal with bullying and I’m incredibly grateful for that.

There are so many ways to get your children involved in outside activities as a homeschooler.

Your family can participate in homeschool co-ops, clubs, sports teams, and other extracurricular activities. Several of my kids took music lessons with a private instructor. Hannah became a serious figure skater and Laura focused on equestrian sports. We were able to spend more time practicing their chosen sports and music lessons because they weren’t at public school for eight hours a day.

There’s no end to the possibilities! What would your child love to excel in?

#3 Spiritual Development

One of the main benefits of Christian homeschooling is the opportunity to incorporate biblical teachings into your child’s education.

Homeschooling allows you to teach your child about God and His love for them in a way that is tailored to their age and understanding. This can help your child develop a strong faith and a personal relationship with God.

We used a number of different Bible books and curriculum over the years. Everything from old (1950’s) Bible textbooks from church schools to the Bible Story Books and more to learn about the Bible in our homeschool.

Having the freedom to teach your children from the Bible and focus on your family’s values and beliefs is one of the best benefits of Christian homeschooling for sure!

Benefits to Family Members

When it comes to Christian homeschooling, there are many benefits that extend beyond just the academics. Here are some ways that homeschooling can benefit your family:

#1 Strengthening Relationships

Homeschooling allows for more quality time with your children, which can strengthen your relationships. You have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of your child’s needs, interests, and abilities. This can help build trust and mutual respect, which are essential for healthy relationships. I have the best relationships with my kids and I’m so grateful!

In addition, homeschooling can help siblings develop strong bonds with each other. Homeschooled children often spend more time together and have more opportunities to work on projects and activities together. This can lead to a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that can last a lifetime. I saw this so well in our home!! My kids are so close.

Here’s a picture of something my son, James, wrote in Emily’s journal: (still makes me cry with joy)

If you can’t read his handwriting, it says: We had a great time growing up with our family. Let’s make a point to keep everyone close. James, Your favorite sibling (lol)

#2 Flexibility and Freedom

One of the most significant benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility and freedom it provides. You can create a flexible schedule that works for your family’s unique needs and interests. This means you can take vacations during off-peak times, attend events during the day, and adjust your school schedule to accommodate unexpected events.

As a homeschooling family, we traveled all the time when my kids were growing up. We still travel a lot. But if we had been locked into the public school calendar, my kids wouldn’t have had the many experiences they were able to have growing up. We’d simply pack their books and take them with us.

We took multiple vacations each year, went on 3 to 4 camping trips every year, traveled on weekends or during the week – and it averaged out to us being on the road at least once a month for years. (We got very good at packing.)

Research and Studies on Christian Homeschooling

If you are considering Christian homeschooling for your child, you may be interested in what research and studies have to say about this educational approach. Fortunately, there is a growing body of research on homeschooling in general, and Christian homeschooling in particular.

A systematic review of research on homeschooling found that homeschooled students tend to perform better academically than their peers in traditional schools. This is true across a range of subjects, including reading, writing, and mathematics. Homeschool students also tend to score higher on standardized tests than their peers in traditional schools.

Research has also shown that homeschooling can have a positive impact on socialization. Contrary to popular belief, homeschooled kids are not isolated or lacking in social skills. In fact, homeschooled students tend to be more socially engaged and have more diverse social networks than their peers in traditional schools.

When it comes to Christian homeschooling specifically, research has shown that this approach can have a number of benefits.

For example, Christian homeschool students tend to have a stronger faith than their peers in traditional schools. They are also more likely to attend church regularly and engage in religious activities such as prayer and Bible study.

Homeschool students tend to be more self-disciplined, responsible, and independent than their peers in traditional schools. They also tend to have a stronger sense of family values and are more likely to volunteer in their communities.


I hope this article encourages you as you consider the benefits of homeschooling your children in your Christ-led, gospel-centered home. Be sure to grab my free printable homeschool planner below!

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One Comment

  1. I find it fascinating that Christian studies could help your children learn about different Christian teachings. I can see how this can help parents in making their children learn about the values of God. I should share this with my uncle, who wants to become a parent next year.

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