Simple Sunday Habits for a Productive Week

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As a homemaker, wife, and/ or mom means you probably have a long to do list. Being efficient with your time and productive each day doesn’t usually just happen. You need a plan – however simple – to get things done in an efficient way. Today I’m sharing some Sunday Habits you can begin to implement to increase your productivity for the week – simple habits to add to your homemaking routine each Sunday.

Plus, you’ll find a set of free printable checklist of Sunday Habits for a Productive Week at the bottom of the post. 

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As a busy wife and mom, planning for my week on Sunday is a great way to keep me focused and productive during the week. But it’s not just planning that helps me be productive. It’s also taking time during the weekend to recharge, spend quality time with my family, and taking care of myself that keeps me feeling my best and energizes my mind and body for the week ahead.

Today the girls and took a long walk in our neighborhood with Marlowe and climbed down some rocks. Marlowe loved the activity – it was the first time we’ve taken her there. It was a great way to recharge and enjoy each other’s company.

Sunday Habits for a Productive Week

So let’s talk about different Sunday Habits you can begin to create in your own life to not only be more efficient but also a happier you.

Planning for the Week on Sunday

#1 Reflect on the previous week.

In my own life, I’ve found that regular reflection on past events really helps keep me focused and headed in the direction I want to go. There are a few questions you can ask yourself. You might even want to write down the answers or take this time to journal.

  • What did I learn last week?
  • Is there anything I could have done better last week?
  • What was my most meaningful moment last week?
  • Is there anything I’ve been putting off that needs to be addressed?

#2 Plan your week.

Always begin with prayer. Let the Lord direct your plans and when you get to the end of the week you can rest assured that however the week went, it was all laid out before God and in His hands.

“Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3

Planning you week doesn’t have to take a long time. I like to sit down with my homemaking planner and write down those tasks I know I have coming up. Ask my girls what I always say and they’ll tell you, “If it’s not written down it doesn’t happen. Write it down.”

I am a big believer in writing things down. I have enough things to remember without having to remember everything on my to do list. I’m always more productive when I make lists.

To make the most of your planning day, here are a few things to remember:

  1. Set aside the time for planning each week.
  2. Pray before you begin.
  3. Gather your supplies – planner, notebook, pens, computer, etc.
  4. Create a to do list for the week.

#3 Set your goals.

Think about what’s most important to you. What do you need to do to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself? Try to move forward, closer to your goals by doing something – however small – to move you in the right direction.

Are you working on your marriage? Trying to spend more time with your kids? Working on decluttering the house?

#4 Prioritize and write out your to-do list.

Once you have written out your to do list for the week, it’s important to go through the list and prioritize each category. Some things on your list are more important than others. Make sure the most important things on your to do list get done on time.

#5 Plan your weekly meal menu.

I love sitting down each week and planning out our meals. I enjoy eating good food and meal planning really helps me make the most of my time in the kitchen. It also means I’m not wondering what to cook at the last minute before it’s time to eat.

If you don’t enjoy meal planning or you find it difficult to come up with ideas, I highly recommend Eat at Home Meal Planning. My friend Tiffany does all of the work for you! You can even just order your groceries online using the shopping list she provides each week and have your groceries delivered. Print out the menu and you’re done. All you need to do is go in the kitchen and cook up a delicious but simple meal!

#6 Plan your outfits for the week.

Mornings will go a lot smoother if you don’t have to spend time thinking about what to wear. Planning your outfits on Sunday (and even your kids outfits) can be super helpful. Make sure any laundry that needs to be done is done.

Even if you’re a stay at home mom or a full time homemaker, getting dressed is an old fashioned homemaking skill that will help you be more productive. I promise!!

Here are a few ideas to help you plan your outfits for the week:

#7 Check and plan your budget.

Sitting down each week and taking note of where you money is coming and going is an important Sunday Habit. You’re more likely to stay on budget if you know what your budget it. It’s also a good idea to sit down with your spouse and talk about the finances so you’re both on the same page.

Finances is one of the most stressful issues in marriages and open and honest communication is key. You can get my weekly couples check in printable here.

#8 Plan your weekly exercise.

Exercise is such an important item to add to your to do list. Plan when you’ll exercise and for how long. You don’t need to exercise for an hour a day to reap the health benefits of regular exercise. Making exercise a part of your daily routine helps make it a habit.

Other Things to Do on Sunday to Prep for the Week

Here are a few more things you can add to your list of Sunday Habits to make the week run smoother. You’ll feel more productive. However, if you don’t have time, don’t worry. These are just ideas to help you get started creating Sunday habits for a productive week.

If you have kids – especially small kids, you may not have time for everything on a Sunday to get to everything on this list. I’m sharing these ideas to help you – not to frustrate or discourage you!

As an aside, I rarely clean out my email inbox – even though I know I should. I regularly have 30,000+ unopened emails in my inbox. Do I let it bother me? Nope. And neither should you. Ideas are just ideas. 🙂

#1 Do grocery shopping and prep meals.

#2 Clean and organize your desk and office.

#3 Clean the house and make sure all the dishes are done before bed.

#4 Organize and declutter your space.

#5 Clear out your inbox.

#6 Do laundry, fold and put away.

#7 Go for a walk.

#8 Practice self -care: take a bubble bath, exercise, pray, etc.

#9 Spend time with loved ones.

#10 Go to bed early.

Action Steps to Take Today

  1. Pray and ask God to direct your paths and plan your week.
  2. Print out the checklist below, if desired.
  3. Set aside time on Sunday, each week, to pray and plan.
  4. Choose a few items from the Sunday Habits Checklist to accomplish during your Sunday planning time.

Free Printable Sunday Habits Checklist

Grab my free printable Sunday Habits checklist and this motivational art print. Print them out (here are my favorite planning supplies and printer) and use as a guide. Remember, you are the master of your to do list, it’s not the master of you!

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Sunday Habits for a Productive Week

How to Download

  1. Just fill out the form below and you’ll receive an email giving you instant access to my Sunday Habits for a Productive Week bundle.
  2. If you are already a subscriber, filling out the form won’t affect your subscription, but you will receive the link to download!

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